Is Air Travel In Trouble?

Over the past two years the aviation industry, particularly the airlines, has been struggling to get back to pre-pandemic levels of operations. However, it is becoming clear that there may be some problems with air travel post-pandemic. Recently there’s been spates of delays and cancellations, which have been attributed to various causes, yet for the traveling public, it is inexplicable. In this week’s Digest, we share some articles on this developing situation, to try and provide a broader perspective of the challenges for air travel.

Air Travel Is Broken. Here’s Why.

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Cutbacks in 2020 mean there aren’t enough baggage handlers, pilots and others. When something goes wrong, it ripples through to flight delays, cancellations, long lines and lost luggage. This summer was supposed to mark the rebirth of commercial aviation after two years of travel restrictions left the industry nearly in hibernation. Instead, it is turning into one of the most chaotic travel seasons in decades.

By Benjamin Katz and Alison Sider | Reuters 

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Opinion: Air travel chaos leaves us with one simple choice

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(CNN)Going anywhere fun this summer? Hmm, well, with all these travel disruptions, that was the idea, anyway. Having lost out on traveling farther afield for much of the last two years, many of us assumed we’d finally have the summer we’d been waiting for. The federal mask mandate ended in April. Many international borders reopened with few restrictions. Travel — before new subvariants emerged on the scene, at least — seemed relatively safe again, given immunity to Covid-19 through vaccines, prior infection or both. Europe, here we come!

By  Peggy Drexler |  CNN

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Air Travel Overload Has Made A Nightmare Which Could Be Better If Airlines Did Their Digital Transformation Better

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If you’ve flown this year, or heard stories from friends who have flown, you’ve heard about the nightmare it has become. Eager travelers are overloading planes and airports while airlines struggle with reduced staff and more. Of my 9 flights so far this year, 6 of them have encountered serious problems. People are driving long distances to avoid airports and tripled rental car costs; all costs are way up. Catch-22 problems abound, with very long lines and waits to resolve problems and get service.

By Brad Templeton | Forbes

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Air travel is a mess. Can it be fixed?

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Air travel in the United States has been a mess of cancellations, delays and confusion in recent months as short-staffed airlines struggle to keep up with travelers looking to make up for two years of missed vacations caused by the pandemic. Between Thursday and Monday alone, more than 2,200 flights across the country were canceled and more than 26,000 were delayed, according to the flight tracking service FlightAware.

By Mike Bebernes | Yahoo News

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Thank you for reading this week’s On Aviation™ digest. Do you believe that air travel is broken and will never be like it was before the pandemic? Please share your thoughts in the comments below, and remember to continue the conversation on our Twitter and Instagram.

Orlando – On Aviation™


Note: The views and opinions expressed in the content shared in this digest are for informational purposes only, are solely those of the original content creators, and do not constitute an endorsement by or necessarily represent the views of On Aviation™ or its affiliates.

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