A Busy Past Seven Days in Aviation

Here is what’s new in aviation over the past week.

Note: The views and opinions expressed in the content shared in this digest are for informational purposes only, are solely those of the original content creators, and do not constitute an endorsement by or necessarily represent the views of On Aviation™ or its affiliates.


FAA Says It Failed To Tell Capitol Police About Plane Flight

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WASHINGTON (AP) — The Federal Aviation Administration acknowledged Friday that it failed to alert Capitol Police about a parachute jump at a nearby baseball stadium, a misstep that led to a security alert and evacuation of the Capitol.


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6 Factors That Could Shape The Future Of Aviation In The UK

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MPs have recommended a wholesale shake-up of how the airline industry is regulated, and how it conducts itself, while roundly criticising some of the decisions taken by the government during the pandemic.

By Gary Noakes | TTG Media

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YouTube Influencer pilot Trevor Jacob crashed his plane on purpose so that he could record it for a video, the FAA finds

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The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has revoked the private pilot certificate of a YouTube influencer pilot after determining that he crashed his plane on purpose for a video. “You demonstrated a lack of care, judgment and responsibility by choosing to jump out of an aircraft solely so you could record the footage of the crash,” the agency told YouTuber Trevor Jacob on April 11, in a letter seen by Insider.

By Waiyee Yip | Insider

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These 2 Fuel Sources Might Be the Future of Aviation

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When it comes to powering airplanes in the future, there are some intriguing options being developed. In this video clip from “The High Energy Show” on Motley Fool Live, recorded on April 5, Fool.com contributors Travis Hoium, Lou Whiteman, Jason Hall, and Tyler Crowe discuss two fuel sources that could become more widely used and change aviation in the next 10 years

By Travis Hoium, Tyler Crowe, Jason Hall, and Lou Whiteman | The Motley Fool 

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