A Brighter Future for Aviation?

Here are a couple of stories that indicate that the aviation industry is on the path to recovery, and charting a second path as it relates to sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and all-electric air travel. Yet, there are still challenges faced.

Joby Aviation secures certificate to operate commercial air taxis

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Joby Aviation — the publicly traded electric air vehicle company with a current market cap of $3.1 billion — has received the necessary certification from the Federal Aviation Administration to begin on-demand commercial air taxi operations, the company said…

By Rebecca Bellan | TechCrunch 

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Insurance rates jump for Ukraine war-exposed business, sources say

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LONDON, May 30 (Reuters) – Insurance premiums are doubling or more for some aviation and marine business particularly exposed to the war in Ukraine, increasing costs for airline and shipping firms, industry sources say. Global commercial insurance premiums rose 11% on average in the first quarter, according..

By: Carolyn Cohn, Jonathan Saul and Noor Zainab Hussain | Reuters

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Hydrogen-based aviation fuels in Canada get a kickstart under a new partnership

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Hy2gen Canada and SAF+ Consortium today (May 30) said they will partner to contribute to the development of the hydrogen sector, including green aviation fuels, starting in Québec, Canada. The partnership between the two companies will see the construction of numerous installations to produce synthetic, green hydrogen-based fuels for land, sea, aviatio…

By Charlie Currie |  H2 View

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Heathrow tells Government to ‘bring pace to the policies’ for aviation recovery

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The Government must “bring pace to the policies” after publishing a long-awaited strategy to support the recovery of aviation from the coronavirus pandemic, according to Heathrow Airport. A 10-point plan named Flightpath to the Future has been released by the Department for Transport, focusing on growth, sustainability and protecting passengers.

By Tneil Lancefield | Pa Transport Correspondent

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Thank you for reading this week’s On Aviation™ digest. What are your thoughts on the aviation industry recovery, is it going as fast as you hoped? Please share your thoughts in the comments below, and remember to continue the conversation on our Twitter and Instagram.

Orlando – On Aviation™


Note: The views and opinions expressed in the content shared in this digest are for informational purposes only, are solely those of the original content creators, and do not constitute an endorsement by or necessarily represent the views of On Aviation™ or its affiliates.

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